
5 posts

Useful Numbers

Anxiety UK 03444 775 774 Lines open Monday to Friday 09.30 till 17.30. Bipolar UK CALM Campaign Against Living Miserably for men 15yrs to 35 yrs TEL: 0800 58 58 58 open 5pm till midnight. Men’s Health Forum- 24/7 stress support for men by text, chat and email […]


When people talk about failure, they talk about it in a negative way and I’ve always wondered why? Heart failure, exam failure, failing your driving test all of these are seen as a negative things. What if we looked at failure as learning? Not something negative but something new, we […]


Depression is something that I know well, she had me when I was 18yrs old and some days she comes back just poke around and see if she can stay somewhere. It felt like she was forcing me to feel worthless, tired and question myself and I cried ALOT! (with […]


Anxiety can feel over whelming and like a swirling pit of nothing flowing around in your stomach, never leaving and never changing. Each person will probably describe their anxiety different from then next and that’s because it is their own. Firstly Anxiety is OK, no one in the history of […]