Booking Terms & Conditions

The following words and expressions have the given meanings in these Booking Terms and conditions:

“Accommodation” The overnight accommodation made available for you .
“Agreement” 1. The binding contract between you and us for your Booking, as described on our website and in any communications with you, 2. these Booking Terms & Conditions which we require you to read and tick to confirm your agreement to these Booking Terms & Conditions.
“Booking Form” The online form setting out your agreed Booking details at the time your Booking is confirmed.
“Booking” Your booking with us for the use of the services and accommodation
“Client”, “you”, “your” The person or persons who are named on the Booking Form and who tick to confirm agreement to the Agreement terms. All Client(s) and their additional booked guests will be jointly and severally bound by the terms of your Agreement.
“Price” The total price payable by you to us under your Agreement.
“Services” The services purchased by you by your booking, as described on our website and in any communications with you.
“We/our/us” Helping Hands Coaching and Therapy services.

These booking terms and conditions form a contract between you and us. Therefore please read these terms and conditions carefully before booking.

Your booking

A booking is not confirmed until the appropriate payment has been received and we issue you with your confirmation email. Your contract with us will be on the terms set out in these terms and conditions.

You, as the person in charge of your booking, must be at least 18 years old at the time of booking. You, as the person making the booking, will be responsible for all members of your party.


We periodically review and amend the prices we charge. We will confirm the price of your services at the time you make your booking and in your confirmation email.

In addition to the services described, we may make available various other services and equipment for your convenience. These are regularly inventoried and serviced however we make no guarantee of availability of such services and equipment during your booking. We reserve the right to replace, remove or make unavailable any service or item(s) that is missing, faulty or otherwise unusable (for example for health & safety reasons) before or during your booking.


Cancellation by you

Due to the nature of your booking, the statutory right to cancel under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (commonly referred to as a ‘cooling off period’ does not apply. This is because your booking is considered a leisure service activity and is booked for a specified date. We do, however, offer you the right to cancel your contract subject to the provisions detailed below.

If you wish to cancel a confirmed booking you must let us know by email or in writing as soon as possible. Your booking will be cancelled with effect from the day we confirm your email or written notification. If we are able to re-book your booked services to another client, we will offer you a refund less an admin fee. If we are unable to re-book your services, all monies paid to us will be retained by us.

Cancellation by us

We may terminate our contract with you and ask you to leave the accommodation immediately if we consider that you or your party have committed a serious breach of these terms and conditions and in particular those detailed under ‘visitor behaviour’. No refund or partial refund shall be payable in this event and we may be entitled to compensation from you for example if there is damage to the accommodation or its contents or if you have otherwise breeched our policies or the terms of our insurance.

Unexpected events or force majeure

An ‘Unexpected Event’ (otherwise known as a ‘force majeure event’) means a cause or circumstance not within our reasonable control (as listed below) which affects the performance of our obligations under your Agreement:
a. acts of God (flood, drought, earthquake, other natural disaster, severe weather warning or adverse weather event);
b. collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident;
c. epidemic or pandemic (this includes but is not limited to COVID-19), in each case including, but not limited to, any actions, recommendations, announcements or restrictions, related to its subject matter (whether made by a government body, authority, public health organisation or other similar official body) or outbreak at the accommodation;
d. terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations;
e. nuclear, chemical or biological contamination, or sonic boom;
f. any law or any action taken by a government or public authority, including without limitation imposing an export or import restriction, quota or prohibition; and
g. interruption or failure of utility service.

If we are delayed, hindered or prevented from providing the booked services due to an Unexpected Event we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know. We will also take reasonable steps to minimise the impact of such Unexpected Event. Please Note: We will not be in breach of our obligations to you under your Agreement to the extent we are delayed, hindered or prevented from doing so to you due to the Unexpected Event.

If an Unexpected Event occurs, we will discuss our proposed steps to minimise the impact of the Unexpected Event and your options with you. These options will include a Reasonable Alternative. The Reasonable Alternative(s) will differ on a case-by-case basis depending on the impact of the Unexpected Event and might include options to amend one or more of the following parts of this agreement including but not limited to: i. your booking date; ii. services; iii. appropriate alternative or substitute accommodation.

If we are unable to provide you with a Reasonable Alternative(s) to minimise the impact of the Unexpected Event, you may contact us (or we may contact you) to end your Agreement with us and cancel your Booking. If your Booking is cancelled as a result of an Unexpected Event because we are unable to provide a reasonable alternative, you will be entitled to a refund of monies paid (or, where applicable, a release from further liability to make payment) under your Agreement, less: our reasonable expenses incurred in relation to your booking up to the date of cancellation; and our unavoidable expenses we will incur in relation to your booking after the date of cancellation (for example, expenses we are committed to pay that we cannot cancel). When calculating our reasonable expenses incurred in relation to your booking, we may include within these calculations our overhead expenses relevant to your booked accommodation use. Please Note: We will make every effort to calculate our retained costs as quickly as possible and will also deduct any costs we are able to mitigate. This includes if we receive payment under a relevant insurance policy.

It is a condition of your booking that you obtain appropriate insurance for all members of your group that provides (as a minimum) sufficient cover for the risk of your booking being unable to proceed as a result of a cancellation or Unexpected Event.

Visitor Behaviour

You must ensure that you familiarise yourself with the layout of the accommodation and the location of the fire exits. You must not use the accommodation, or allow it to be used, for any dangerous, offensive, noisy, illegal or immoral activities. You must not cause any nuisance or annoyance to your neighbours or anyone else during your stay. Smoking is not permitted in any part of your accommodation. Smoking includes use of vapours and e-cigarettes.


If you discover that anything is missing or damaged on arrival at your accommodation you must notify us immediately. If you do not notify us we will assume that you caused the relevant damage or loss. You will be responsible for the cost of any damage you or your party cause to the property or its contents.

Our Right of Access

We or our contractors may need to access your accommodation if there is an unforeseen problem or to perform certain routine property checks. If this happens, we will do our best to let you know in advance of the date and time that we will need access. If we do need to access your accommodation for any reason we will always try to access the property at reasonably convenient times except in the event of an emergency.

Data Protection

We may communicate with you from time to time about our your booking and your experience with us and will use your data in accordance with our privacy policy, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDPR Act 2018.

If you wish to alter the way we communicate to you at any time you can write to the address given above or send an email to [email protected]

We will not share your details with any third party.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by English law. You and we both agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.